Logentries output plugin for Fluentd


Buffer and perioidically send event logs to Logentries. It sends whole record as json, if a logentries TCP token is configured for the tag.


  • fluentd >= v0.14.0
  • ruby >= 2.1


gem install fluent-plugin-logentries_ssl


One of parameters token_path or default_token must be given. if token path is not defined, the Logentries token default_token is used for all fluent events. When using default_token with tokens from token_path, it will be used as a fallback after trying to match a tag to a token in token_path.

parameter *description default value
token_path Path to YAML formatted file containing 'tag: logentries-token' pairs nil
default_token A token string to be used either for all tags, or as fallback after token_path nil
<match pattern>
  @type logentries_ssl
  token_path /path/to/tokens.yml

or with default_token:

<match pattern>
  @type logentries_ssl
  token_path /path/to/tokens.yml
  default_token 'aaa-bbb-ccc'
<match pattern>
  @type logentries_ssl
  token_path /path/to/tokens.yml
    @type file
    path /path/to_le_buffer.*.buffer
    flush_interval 5s
    flush_at_shutdown true

with tokens.yml

tag-to-send: [logentries tcp token]
other-tag: [other token]

Event tag must match key in tokens file.

other configuration keys:

parameter *description default value
le_host Logentries hostname to use data.logentries.com
le_port Logentries port to use 443
max_retries How many times event send is retried on errors 3
json Send record as json true
verify_fqdn Verify FQDN for SSL true


  • Copyright(c) 2017- larte
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0