Fluentd output plugin for loomsystems.com.

Link to the loomsystems.com documentation

It mainly contains a proper JSON formatter and a socket handler that streams logs directly to loomsystems.com - so no need to use a log shipper if you don't wan't to.


To add the plugin to your fluentd agent, use the following command:

gem install fluent-plugin-loomsystems


Configure the output plugin

To match events and send them to loomsystems.com, simply add the following code to your configuration file.

TCP example

## Output descriptions:
## the out_loomsystems output plugin enabling the transfer
## of fluentd events trough a secured ssl tcp connection.
## Configuration: match events tagged with "loomsystems.**" and
## send them to loomsystems.com

<match loomsystems.**>
  @type loomsystems
  host <your_loomsystems_platorm_address>

After a restart of FluentD, any child events tagged with loomsystems are shipped to your plateform.

fluent-plugin-loomsystems properties

As fluent-plugin-loomsystems is an output_buffer, you can set all output_buffer properties like it's describe in the fluentd documentation.

Addisinal custom properties:

Property Description Default value
host The matched events tagged with "loomsystems.**" will be sent to your host at loomsystems.com *requierd
use_ssl If true, opens a secured TCP connection to loomsystems.com, and non secured otherwise. true
max_retries The number of retries before the output plugin stops. Set to -1 for unlimited retries -1