
This is merb plugin for exception notification with Whoops. It should work with any merb app that’s based on merb 1.0 and higher

This plugin: The original:


1) Get Whoops ( and set it up

2) Copy whoops.yml.example to the config directory of your merb app and modify it

3) Require this gem in dependencies.rb require ‘merb_whoops_notifier’

4) Add the following method to your Exceptions controller. Depending on your merb version you’ll need to use the exceptions,standard_error, or internal_server error as the action name. Kinda weak, but the API changed a lot in 0.9.x

class Exceptions < Merb::Controller

if %w( staging production ).include?(Merb.env)
  def standard_error
    WhoopsNotifier.notify_whoops(request, session)


5) Restart the server, trigger an error (in staging or prod) and check that it arrived at your Whoops server :)

Filtersing your post environment

# This feature hasn’t been tested If you have environmental variables set in your ruby process that should not be sent to whoops, there’s a mechanism for filtering those attributes now. Throw something like this in config/init.rb

Merb::BootLoader.after_app_loads do

WhoopsNotifier.environment_filters = %w(^AWS ^EC2 SECRET PRIVATE KEY)


Each of these words will be compiled into a regex so you should be able to use anchors if needed.

Thanks to atmos for the original merb_hoptoad_notifier plugin