
Changing data in some way, e.g. resizing an image, comes under the banner of Processing.

You can register as many processors as you like.

Let's say we have a Dragonfly app

app = Dragonfly[:images]

and an image object (actually a Job object)...

image = app.fetch('some/uid')

...OR a Dragonfly model accessor...

image = @album.cover_image

We can process it using any processing methods that have been registered with the processor.


The ImageMagickProcessor is registered by default by the ImageMagick configuration used by 'dragonfly/rails/images'.

If not already registered:


gives us these methods:

image.process(:thumb, '400x300#')            # see below

image.process(:crop, :width => 40, :height => 50, :x => 20, :y => 30)
image.process(:crop, :width => 40, :height => 50, :gravity => 'ne')

image.process(:flip)                         # flips it vertically
image.process(:flop)                         # flips it horizontally

image.process(:greyscale, :depth => 128)     # default depth 256

image.process(:resize, '40x40')
image.process(:resize_and_crop, :width => 40, :height=> 50, :gravity => 'ne')

image.process(:rotate, 45, :background_colour => 'transparent')   # default bg black

The method thumb takes a geometry string and calls resize, resize_and_crop or crop accordingly.

image.process(:thumb, '400x300')             # calls resize

Below are some examples of geometry strings:

'400x300'            # resize, maintain aspect ratio
'400x300!'           # force resize, don't maintain aspect ratio
'400x'               # resize width, maintain aspect ratio
'x300'               # resize height, maintain aspect ratio
'400x300>'           # resize only if the image is larger than this
'400x300<'           # resize only if the image is smaller than this
'50x50%'             # resize width and height to 50%
'400x300^'           # resize width, height to minimum 400,300, maintain aspect ratio
'2000@'              # resize so max area in pixels is 2000
'400x300#'           # resize, crop if necessary to maintain aspect ratio (centre gravity)
'400x300#ne'         # as above, north-east gravity
'400x300se'          # crop, with south-east gravity
'400x300+50+100'     # crop from the point 50,100 with width, height 400,300


The RMagickProcessor uses the RMagick library and provides the methods thumb, crop, flip, flop, greyscale, resize, resize_and_crop and rotate like the ImageMagickProcessor above.

You can tell it not to use the file system when registering it

app.processor.register(Dragonfly::Processing::RMagickProcessor){|p| p.use_filesystem = false }

Lazy evaluation

new_image = image.process(:some_method)

doesn't actually do anything until you call something on the returned Job object, like url, data, etc.

Bang method


modifies the image object itself, rather than returning a new object.

Custom Processors

To register a single custom processor:

app.processor.add :watermark do |temp_object, *args|
  # use, temp_object.path, temp_object.file, etc.
  SomeLibrary.add_watermark(, 'some/watermark/file.png')
  # return a String, File or Tempfile

new_image = image.process(:watermark)

You can create a class like the RMagick one above, in which case all public methods will be counted as processing methods. Each method takes the temp_object as its argument, plus any other args.

class MyProcessor

  def coolify(temp_object, opts={})
    SomeLib.coolify(, opts)

  def uglify(temp_object, ugliness)
    `uglify -i #{temp_object.path} -u #{ugliness}`


  def my_helper_method
    # do stuff



new_image = image.coolify(:some => :args)

new_image = image.uglify(:loads)