
This is a fork from acts_as_follower that has not been updated since 2017.

It's updated against Rails 7 and Ruby 3.1.

followable_behaviour is a gem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is accomplished through a double polymorphic relationship on the Follow model. There is also built in support for blocking/un-blocking follow records.

Main uses would be for Users to follow other Users or for Users to follow Books, etc...

(Basically, to develop the type of follow system that GitHub has)


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add followable_behaviour

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install followable_behaviour



Make your model(s) that you want to allow to be followed followable_behaviour, just add the mixin:

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

Make your model(s) that can follow other models follower_behaviour

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base

acts as follower methods

To have an object start following another use the following:

  book = Book.find(1)
  user = User.find(1)
  user.follow(book) # Creates a record for the user as the follower and the book as the followable

To stop following an object use the following

  user.stop_following(book) # Deletes that record in the Follow table

You can check to see if an object that follower_behaviour is following another object through the following:

  user.following?(book) # Returns true or false

To get the total number (count) of follows for a user use the following on a model that follower_behaviour

  user.follow_count # Returns an integer

To get follow records that have not been blocked use the following

  user.all_follows # returns an array of Follow records

To get all of the records that an object is following that have not been blocked use the following

  # Returns an array of every followed object for the user, this can be a collection of different object types, eg: User, Book

To get all Follow records by a certain type use the following

  user.follows_by_type('Book') # returns an array of Follow objects where the followable_type is 'Book'

To get all followed objects by a certain type use the following.

  user.following_by_type('Book') # Returns an array of all followed objects for user where followable_type is 'Book', this can be a collection of different object types, eg: User, Book

There is also a method_missing to accomplish the exact same thing a following_by_type('Book') to make you life easier

  user.following_users # exact same results as user.following_by_type('User')

To get the count of all Follow records by a certain type use the following

  user.following_by_type_count('Book') # Returns the sql count of the number of followed books by that user

There is also a method_missing to get the count by type

  user.following_books_count # Calls the user.following_by_type_count('Book') method

There is now a method that will just return the Arel scope for follows so that you can chain anything else you want onto it:


This does not return the actual follows, just the scope of followings including the followables, essentially:


The following methods take an optional hash parameter of ActiveRecord options (:limit, :order, etc...)

  follows_by_type, all_follows, all_following, following_by_type

acts as followable methods

To get all the followers of a model that followable_behaviour

  book.followers  # Returns an array of all the followers for that book, a collection of different object types (eg. type User or type Book)

There is also a method that will just return the Arel scope for followers so that you can chain anything else you want onto it:


This does not return the actual followers, just the scope of followings including the followers, essentially:


To get just the number of follows use


To get the followers of a certain type, eg: all followers of type 'User'

  book.followers_by_type('User') # Returns an array of the user followers

There is also a method_missing for this to make it easier:

  book.user_followers # Calls followers_by_type('User')

To get just the sql count of the number of followers of a certain type use the following

  book.followers_by_type_count('User') # Return the count on the number of followers of type 'User'

Again, there is a method_missing for this method as well

  book.count_user_followers # Calls followers_by_type_count('User')

To see is a model that followable_behaviour is followed by a model that follower_behaviour use the following

  # Returns true if the current instance is followed by the passed record
  # Returns false if the current instance is blocked by the passed record or no follow is found

To block a follower call the following

  # Blocks the user from appearing in the followers list, and blocks the book from appearing in the user.all_follows or user.all_following lists

To unblock is just as simple


To get all blocked records

  book.blocks # Returns an array of blocked follower records (only unblocked) (eg. type User or type Book)

If you only need the number of blocks use the count method provided


Unblocking deletes all records of that follow, instead of just the :blocked attribute => false the follow is deleted. So, a user would need to try and follow the book again. I would like to hear thoughts on this, I may change this to make the follow as blocked: false instead of deleting the record.

The following methods take an optional hash parameter of ActiveRecord options (:limit, :order, etc...)

  followers_by_type, followers, blocks

Follow Model

The Follow model has a set of named_scope's. In case you want to interface directly with the Follow model you can use them.

  Follow.unblocked # returns all "unblocked" follow records

  Follow.blocked # returns all "blocked" follow records

  Follow.descending # returns all records in a descending order based on created_at datetime

This method pulls all records created after a certain date. The default is 2 weeks but it takes an optional parameter.


Follow.for_follower is a named_scope that is mainly there to reduce code in the modules but it could be used directly. It takes an object and will return all Follow records where the follower is the record passed in.

Note that this will return all blocked and unblocked records.


If you don't need the blocked records just use the methods provided for this:

  # or

Follow.for_followable acts the same as its counterpart (for_follower). It is mainly there to reduce duplication, however it can be used directly. It takes an object that is the followed object and return all Follow records where that record is the followable. Again, this returns all blocked and unblocked records.


Again, if you don't need the blocked records use the method provided for this:


If you need blocked records only



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at