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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "food_truck"

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install food_truck


From the command line

# person.yml
name: Human
description: This class models a person.
modules: [MilkyWay, Earth]
parent: Mammal
- name: Name
  type: String
- name: Age
  description: Number of years the human has been alive.
  type: Integer
  read_only: true

$ food_truck person.yml

From Ruby code

require "food_truck"

data = {
  name: "Human",
  description: "This class models a person.",
  modules: ["MilkyWay", "Earth"],
  parent: "Mammal",
  attrs: [
    { name: "name", type: "String" },
    { name: "age",  type: "Integer" read_only: true, description: "Number of years the human has been alive." },

c = FoodTruck::Class.create(data)
c.render()   #=> Returns the generated code as a string.
c.generate() #=> Writes the generated code to a given folder, or the current directory if no argument is passed.
# human.rb
module MilkyWay
  module Earth
    # This class models a person.
    class Human < Mammal
      # @return [String]
      attr_accessor :name
      # Number of years the human has been alive.
      # @return [Integer]
      attr_reader :age

Supported Arguments


Name Type Description
name (required) String Name of the class.
description String Description of the class. [Markdown][markdown] is supported.
body String String to write into the body of the class.
parent String Name of a class to inherit from. (Ex: YourNewClass < Parent)
modules Array<String> List of modules to declare the class inside of
attrs Array<FoodTruck::Attr> An array of Attrs.


Name Type Description
name (required) String Name of the attribute.
description String Description of the attribute. Markdown is supported.
type String Type of the attribute.
default Any Default value for the attribute; set in it's Class's initialize function.
read_only Boolean If true, an attr_reader will be generated for the attribute instead of an attr_accessor.


Name Type Description
name (required) String Name of the function.
description String Description of the function. [Markdown][markdown] is supported.
return_type String Return type of the function.
body String String to write into the body of the function.
modules Array<String> List of modules to declare the function inside of
params Array<FoodTruck::Param> An array of Params.


Name Type Description
name (required) String Name of the param.
description String Description of the param. Markdown is supported.
type String Type of the param.
default Any Default value for the param. Set optional as true for a default nil value.
optional Boolean If true, the default value will be nil.
keyword Boolean If true, the param will be generated as a keyword argument.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.