
Simple Ruby wrapper for Forte Payments REST API

Learn about the Forte Payments REST API


  # in your Gemfile
  gem 'fortenet'

  # then...
  bundle install


Create an initializer

  # config/initializers/fortenet.rb
  Fortenet.configure do |config|
    # required configuration
    config.endpoint = ENV['FORTE_ENDPOINT']
    config. = ENV['FORTE_API_LOGIN_ID']
    config.secure_transaction_key = ENV['FORTE_SECURE_TRANSACTION_KEY']

    # use the ID values without the prefixes ie. 123456 and not org_123456
    config. = ENV['FORTE_ACCOUNT_ID'] # this is also called organization ID
    config.location_id = ENV['FORTE_LOCATION_ID']

    # optionally configure debug
    config.debug = Rails.env.development?
    config.debug_output = $stdout

    # optionally configure proxy
    config.proxy_host = ENV['FORTE_PROXY_HOST']
    config.proxy_port = ENV['FORTE_PROXY_PORT']
    config.proxy_user = ENV['FORTE_PROXY_USER']
    config.proxy_password = ENV['FORTE_PROXY_PASSWORD']


Fortenet::Client implements find, create, update, and destroy for interacting with Forte.

The first arg for all commands is the relative path without any leading backslashes. The second arg for find/create/update is the request data and may either be a hash or a json string.

For example'transactions, data) will ensure data is a json string and post to forteat "/organizations/org_#account_id/locations/loc_#location_id/transactions" with headers setup using initializer config settings for authentication.

Forte client calls will return an HTTParty::Response which you can interact with. You can also call parsed_response on the actual Fortenet::Client instance to get back json parsed hash with symbolized keys.


client =

# sample GET request

# sample POST request
request = {
    action: 'force',
    authorization_amount: 240.52,
    billing_address: {
      first_name: 'Test',
      last_name: 'Force'
    echeck: {
     sec_code: 'WEB',
     account_type: 'Checking',
     routing_number: '021000021',
     account_number: '00044422',
     account_holder: 'Marty McFly'
client.create('transactions', request)

# sample PUT request
client.update('transactions', request)