Foxtrot Ruby Client Library

This is the Ruby client library for interacting with the Foxtrot API. The only endpoint currently exposed is the route optimization endpoint (Foxtrot::Client.optimize!).

In order to make requests, you need a valid API key. Your API key can be found at the bottom of any page in the Foxtrot web app.


gem install foxtrot-client


data = {
  file_url: "",
  file_name: "your_file.xlsx",
  geocode: "false",
  stop_name: "Customer",
  lat: "Lat",
  lng: "Long",
  load: "Load",
  service_time: "Service Time",
  time_window: "Time Window",
  extra_info: "Contact Info",
  date_starting: "1407712069593",
  warehouse: "77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA",
  num_drivers: 1,
  num_avg_service_time: 10,
  float_fuel_cost: 3.56,
  float_driver_wage: 6.01,
  float_mpg: 8.32

api_key = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

require 'foxtrot'
fox = api_key

resp = fox.optimize!(data).poll_and_block!
result = resp.get_result