Ruby Framework
Framework to build Ruby applications for all your needs. Inspired by Rails, but clear and clean from any web-related backend.
- Easy configuration to work with multiple databases
- ActiveRecord interface
- Customizable structure
- YAML configuration
- Appication generators
- Useful console mode
- ... Find more
When to use
- Obviously, you need a framework :)
- You need to quickly start a project from scratch
- You want to have your backend code to stay separate from any large frameworks (like Rails)
- You want to build some "worker" application running your business logic with no interface
- Setting up an interview? Use Framework!
- Wanna build web application? You can easily integrate your code into any web framework (Rack, Rails etc) (see below)
- You don't want to learn a new framework, you are the one who knows only Rails :)
- You want to test something quickly and you don't want to waste your time setting new environment up
Quick start
1) Install Framework at the command prompt if you haven't yet:
gem install framework
2) Create a new application:
framework new myapp
Run console to play
rake console
Pretty similar to Rails (just a sample):
| |____models
| | |____concerns
| | | |____.keep
| | |____task.rb
| | |____user.rb
| |____tasks
| | |____hello.rake
| |____application.yml
| |____databases.yml
| |____environment.rb
| |____initializers
| | |____time_zone.rb
| |____migrate
| | |____.keep
| | |____20141128085924_create_tasks.rb
| | |____20141128090211_create_users.rb
| |____.keep
Configurations are stored in config/application.yml
. Note, that as opposed to Rails, even initializers and models are listed as custom paths in autoload_paths
section. This gives you a flexibility to explicitly say which paths and what exactly used in your app. Don't need no initializers? Don't list them in autoload paths. Order matters.
development: &common
enable_logging: yes
- app/models
- app/managers
default_timezone: 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)'
<<: *common
enable_logging: no
<<: *common
<<: *common
enable_logging: no
More docu and updates coming soon
I encourage you to contribute! :)