Fraud Record

Gem wrapper for

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gem install fraudrecord


(in Gemfile or .gemspec)

gem 'fraudrecord'


require 'fraudrecord'


First, you will need to create an account on and make a reporter profile. This will create an API key for you. Expose this to your Ruby runtime in the form of an environment variable i.e.

export FRAUD_RECORD_API_KEY=f656a57c78

Secondly, call the query method with a Ruby hash of parameters containing the data you wish to query. This will automatically be salted and hashed before being submitted to Fraud Record.

Fraudrecord.query name: 'Billy Jones', email: '[email protected]'
=> {:value=>30, :count=>3, :reliability=>8.2, :report=>""}

Fraud Record accepts variables as long as the variable name consists of [a-z] characters, 16 characters max. Uppercase variables will be converted to lowercase internally. The dash (hyphen) character is also accepted. For example, "paypal-email" is a valid variable name.

There is also a common set of accepted variables to choose from:

Variable Name Description
name Client name.
password Client password. Usually a good indicator of identity.
company Company name which the client inputs.
email Client's email address.
address Client's postal address.
phone Client's phone number.
ip Client's registration IP address.
hostname Hostname for server clients.
accountuser Hosting account username.
accountpass Hosting account password.
domain Domain name of the hosting client.
payment Payment processor identification, e.g. paypal email address
ccname Name on credit card
ccnumber Credit card number.

To learn more, please read