Class: FriendlyShipping::Services::UpsFreight::LabelItemOptions

RatesItemOptions show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from RatesItemOptions


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RatesItemOptions

#freight_class, #freight_class The freight class of this item, for example '55' or '92.5', #nmfc_code, #nmfc_code The national motor freight corporation code for this item. Something like '13050 sub 4', #packaging_code, #packaging_description

Attributes inherited from ItemOptions


Method Summary

Methods inherited from RatesItemOptions

#initialize, #packaging How the item is packaged, one of the keys of `PACKAGING_TYPES`=

Methods inherited from ItemOptions


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from FriendlyShipping::Services::UpsFreight::RatesItemOptions