Class: FriendlyShipping::Services::UpsFreight::LabelPackageOptions

RatesPackageOptions show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from RatesPackageOptions


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RatesPackageOptions

#handling_unit_code, #handling_unit_description, #handling_unit_tag

Attributes inherited from PackageOptions


Method Summary

Methods inherited from RatesPackageOptions

#handling _unit How this shipment is divided. Any of the keys in `HANDLING_UNIT_TYPES`=, #initialize, #item_options Options for each of the items on the pallet/in the carboy/etc.=

Methods inherited from PackageOptions

#initialize, #options_for_item

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from FriendlyShipping::Services::UpsFreight::RatesPackageOptions