########################################### # FRUSDL - Ffi RUby SDL bindings - README # ###########################################

What is it?

Wafer-thin bindings to SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_gfx, and SGE for MRI, Jruby, Rubinius, … using FFI. You will be able to easily port your Ruby/SDL games to JRuby.

For now, only a few high-level, Ruby/SDL compatible objects are available. But the low level wrappers should work fine for experimenting, or even to program a quick demo game.


Source code compatibility with Ruby/SDL 2.0.1 or higher, but with lower level functions available. All help for towards this goal is welcome.




* Ruby: MRI 1.9.1 or higher, JRuby 1.1.6 or higher. Rubinius currently untested.
* FFI: Version 0.2.0 or higher or MRI. 
* The shared libraries for SDL 1.2.x, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_gfx 
  or SGE should be installed properly on your system.


None yet. Check out the documentation of SDL itself, since the low level interface to sdl in Frusdl::Low should be mostly compatible with the C way of doing things, if you include Frusdl::Low. Alternatively, use the source, Ruke. ^_^


ZLIB license. Please note that SDL has a LGPL license. However, FRUSDL uses dynamic linking, so , I think it should be fine.


beoran AT rubyforge POINT org