This is the change log for the main branch of ftpd, which supports Ruby 1.9 and greater. For ruby 1.8.7, please use the latest version before 0.8.0.


This release is brought to you by Mike Ragalie. Thanks, Mike!


  • Streaming file transfers (issues #12 and #26)

API Changes

These breaking API changes are for streaming file transfers. Custom file systems will notice these changes. Nobody else should.

  • The FileSystemErrorTranslator has been removed. Instead, the file system may raise FtpServerError with a message and an optional error code.

  • DiskFileSystem#write now takes an Ftpd::Stream object instead of a String.

  • DiskFileSystem#read expects to receive a block and yields an IO object to the block.


Bug fixes

  • Fix Errno::ENOTSOCK error in Ruby 2.1.2 (issue #25)


Bug fixes

  • Ignore Errno::ENOTCONN on socket shutdown (issue #24)


  • Remove examples/foo.rb (accidental commit)



  • Remove markdown link (but leave its text) in package description



  • Remove badges from package description


Bug fixes

  • Fix Errno::EADDRINUSE when reusing port (issue #23)


Bug fixes

  • Fix Bad file descriptor exception on stop (issue #20)
  • CWD returns 250, not 257 (issue #18)


  • MDTM command (issue #19)
  • SIZE command (issue #19)


Bug fixes

  • Do not die when implicit SSL connection disconnects (issue #13)

API Changes:

  • Change default interface from "localhost" to "".



  • Added example showing ftp used as a test harness with rspec
  • Ignore LIST/NLST switches such as "-a"
  • Support IPV6



  • Split Ruby 1.8 into separate branch
  • Upgraded gems


Bug fixes

  • Gracefully handle Errno::ENOTCONN during socket shutdown (fixes gh-1)



  • Configurable maximum connections (defaults to unlimited).
  • Configurable maximum connections per IP (defaults to unlimited).
  • Configurable disconnect after too many failed login attempts (defaults to unlimited)
  • Delay after failed login (configurable).

API Changes


Bug fixes

  • Replies are sent with the correct line ending ("\r\n" instead of "\n")
  • Do not hang on out-of-band commands.
  • When data connection disconnects, send "426 Connection closed" response instead of ending the session.


  • Now unconditionally compliant
  • Configurable session timeout (see Ftpd::FtpServer#session_timeout). Defaults to 5 minutes.
  • Disable Nagle algorithm on control connection to decrease latency. This makes the tests run much faster.
  • Support STAT (server status).
  • Example has --timeout option for session idle timeout.
  • Write log to Logger (see Ftpd::FtpServer#log).
  • Disallow active-mode connections to privileged ports (configurable). See RFC 2577 section 3.
  • Added benchmarks.
  • Support telnet sequences.

API Changes



  • Improved driver and file-system documentation.
  • Added read only disk file system
  • Example can be run with a read-only file system
  • Supports three different levels of authentication:
    • User
    • User + Password
    • User + Password + Account
  • Added --auth switch to the example to select the authentication level.
  • Support APPE
  • Support TYPE "A T" (ASCII/Telnet)
  • Support TYPE "LOCAL 8"
  • Added switches to example to set authentication values
    • --user
    • --password
    • --account

API changes


API changes

The file system interface for directory listing was completely rewritten. It no longer shells out to ls, which removes potential command injection security holes, and improves prospects for portability.

Bug fixes

  • LIST and NLST support globs again.
  • STOU (store unique) works in Ruby 1.8.7



Bug fixes

  • Respond with sequence error if RNFR is not immediately followed by RNTO
  • Respond with sequence error if USER is not immediately followed by PASS
  • Open PASV mode data connection on same local IP as control connection. This is required by RFC 1123.
  • Disabled globbing in LIST (for now) due to a command (shell) injection vulnerability. This patch also disables globbing in NLST, but NLST probably shouldn't do globbing. Thanks to Larry Cashdollar for the report.


  • Support STOU (store unique)
  • Support HELP


API changes

  • Introduced PermanentFileSystemError and TransientFileSystemError exceptions.
  • Deprecated FileSystemError (use PermanentFileSystemError instead).
  • DiskFileSystem errors generate 550 responses, not 450


  • Support MKD and XMKD (make directory)
  • Support RMD and XRMD (remove directory)
  • Support RNFR/RNTO (rename/move file/directory)
  • Support XCUP (alias for CDUP)
  • Support XPWD (alias for PWD)
  • Support XCWD (alias for CWD)
  • Test implicit TLS

Bug Fixes

  • Passive mode transfers bind to the correct interface. They were erroneously binding to the local interface, which kept passive mode transfers from working when the client was on another machine.
  • CDUP responds with syntax error if given an argument.
  • RNTO checks that RNFM was called.
  • Tests pass in Ruby 2.0.


API changes

  • Renamed two of the file system methods:

    • list_long -> long
    • list_short -> short

This will affect anyone who has written their own disk system. Anyone using Ftpd::DiskFileSystem won't notice this change.


  • Some commands are now optional, depending upon the file system. These are RETR, DELE, LIST and NLST. See the comments in Ftpd::DiskFileSystem for what command depends upon what method.
  • Better text in example's ephemeral README
  • Divided the DiskFileSystem into mixins.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Support SYST
  • Support ALLO
  • Removed dead code
  • Added more tests



  • Improved documentation.
  • Gemfile: development gems no longer lock down version


First usable release