Fuck Facebook

A collection of tools to help you use Facebook when you don't want to


Run fuck-facebook --help to get a list of options and explanations.

To get all unread messages (that haven't already been reported) run these commands:

fuck-facebook --login

You only need to login once

fuck-facebook --unread-messages

This will only show you unread messages that have been received since the last time you checked. This way if you have emails going out for new messages, you won't get notified for the same message each time.


Here's a complete config file along with an explanation of each option:

  min_minutes_between_reports: 0 # Only report error if one has not occured in the past X minutes
  include_screenshot: false # Generates a screenshot with the error report
  from_email: [email protected]
  to_email: [email protected]
  address: smtp.example.com
  port: 587
  user_name: some_user_name
  password: 123456
  authentication: plain

Place this file in ~/.local/share/fuck-facebook/config.yaml

These options can be passed as environment variables, by:

  • Joining the keys with _
  • Capitalizing the entire string
  • Prefixing the key with FF_

For example the smtp from_email will become FF_SMTP_FROM_EMAIL

Environment variables take precedent over the config file.