This is a gem that provides some simple rake tasks for managing a rubygem.
creating a gem
create a gem specification file called gemspec
For example: do |s| = 'gemesis'
s.version = '0.0.4'
s.summary = 'some lightweight utilities to assist in managing a rubygem'
s. << 'Mark Ryall' = '[email protected]'
s.homepage = %q{}
s.files = Dir['bin/*'] + Dir['lib/**/*'] + ['README.rdoc', 'MIT-LICENSE']
s.executables << 'collect_gems'
Make sure the version line is formatted as indicated - the major, minor and patch tasks will not work otherwise.
initialise a git or mercurial repository
hg/git init
create Rakefile
require 'gemesis/rake'
This will add the following rake tasks in a gem namespace:
release - push, then increments version in gemspec
push - builds the gem, pushes to rubyforge and
build - builds the gem file
install - installs the gem file
uninstall - uninstalls the gem
reinstall - uninstalls and installs the gem
major - increments the major version number
minor - increments the minor version number
patch - increments the patch number
To run gem installation or uninstallation with sudo - set an environment variable SUDO to sudo
Note that push will create a repository tag so it is recommended you increment the gem version and commit all changes prior to executing a push.
Refer to for some sensible tips on versioning.
If you checkout any gem that uses gemesis (or has a gem specification file caled gemspec), you can use the collect_gems executable to install all necessary runtime and development depencies.
collect_gems was completely stolen from