{ gemqs }

## Description

Command line interface to rubygems.org's search

## Ruby Compatability

tested with ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3

## Installation

gem install gemqs

## Usage

gemqs [term1] [term2] [..etc]

## Example

dave@ubuntu:~/$ gemqs rails test
gemqs   searching http://rubygems.org on the terms: rails test
  sunspot-rails-tester (0.0.4)                  2,617 downloads     Enable sunspot during testing for *real* integration tests
  rails-test-serving (                    669 downloads     Makes unit tests of a Rails application run instantly
  universe-rails-testing (0.1.1)                  579 downloads     gem install universe-rails-testing
  rails-test-toolbox (0.2.0)                      422 downloads     An opinionated list of helpful testing tools for working with Ruby on Rails.

## License

MIT-style license.