The Genability Ruby Gem

A Ruby wrapper for the Genability power pricing and related APIs - learn more at


gem install genability


Usage Examples

require "genability"

# Configure during client initialization
client = = 'ValidAppId', :application_key => 'ValidAppKey')

# Or use the block configuration method
# Useful for using in a Rails initializer
# register an app at
Genability.configure do |config|
  config.application_id   = 'ValidAppId'
  config.application_key  = 'ValidAppKey'

# Advanced Configuration Options
Genability.configure do |config|
  config.application_id   = 'ValidAppId'
  config.application_key  = 'ValidAppKey'
  config.adapter          = :typhoeus
  config.endpoint         = ""
  config.format           = :json
  config.user_agent       = "Genability API Ruby Gem"
  config.proxy            = ""

# Get a list of load serving entities

# Get one load serving entity

# Get a list of tariffs

# Get one tariff

# Get the prices for a specified tariff

# Get the territories for a load serving entity
Genability.territories(:lse_id => 734)

# Get the details of one territory

# Get a list of seasons for a load serving entity

# Get a particular time of use group for a given load serving entity
Genability.time_of_uses(2756, 1)

# Get the intervals for the particular time of use group of a given load serving entity
Genability.time_of_use_intervals(734, 1)

# Get information about a zipcode

# Add an account
Genability.add_account(:account_name => 'New Account')

# Show account

# Get a list of accounts

# Delete account

# Add a usage profile
Genability.add_usage_profile(:account_id => "account_id")

# Show a usage profile

# List usage profile

# Add a reading(s) to a usage profile
Genability.add_readings("usage_profile_id", :readings =>
      :from => "2011-08-01T22:30:00.000-0700",
      :to => "2011-08-01T22:45:00.000-0700",
      :quantity_unit => "kWh",
      :quantity_value => 220

# Calculate the cost of electricity for a given rate plan
# First, get the caculation metadata necessary to run the calculation
metadata = Genability.calculate_metadata(
             512,                                         # Master Tariff ID
             "Monday, September 1st, 2011",               # From DateTime
             "Monday, September 10th, 2011",              # To DateTime
             :additional_values => {                      # Metadata Options
               "connectionType" => "Primary Connection",
               "cityLimits" => "Inside"

# Then, run the calculation with the metadata you just received
result = Genability.calculate(
           512,                                           # Master Tariff ID
           "Monday, September 1st, 2011",                 # From DateTime
           "Monday, September 10th, 2011",                # To DateTime
           metadata,                                      # Metadata from previous call
           {}                                             # Additional options
result.total_cost # => 10.837

Please see the documentation for available options and the tests for additional examples

Contributing to Genability

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add documentation
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Solt. See LICENSE for details.