Class: FFIGen::Clang::IndexerCallbacks

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A group of callbacks used by #clang_indexSourceFile and #clang_indexTranslationUnit.



(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called periodically to check whether indexing should be aborted. Should return 0 to continue, and non-zero to abort.


(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called at the end of indexing; passes the complete diagnostic set.




(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called when a file gets #included/#imported.


(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called when a AST file (PCH or module) gets imported.

AST files will not get indexed (there will not be callbacks to index all the entities in an AST file). The recommended action is that, if the AST file is not already indexed, to initiate a new indexing job specific to the AST file.


(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called at the beginning of indexing a translation unit.




(FFI::Pointer(*)) Called to index a reference of an entity.