
What and why?

When using GHUnit from the command line to run your tests, it gets pretty verbose. So you're spending time combing through the results. Time you could have been spending on ready hackernews; so let's change that.

What we're changing:

  • Colored output
  • Better grouping of tests

So this:


Becomes this:


How do I install it?

  1. Be sure to read this for the command line build.
  2. Install the gem (gem install ghrunit)
  3. Create a Rakefile at the .xcodeproj level
  4. Fill the Rakefile with:
require 'rake'
require 'ghrunit'

task :default => [:test]

desc "Cleans the build folder"
task :clean do
  `rm -rf build/*`

desc "Tests the app from the command line"
task :test do
  ENV['GHUNIT_CLI']="1" => "tests")

How do I use it?

Open your Terminal, navigate to the project folder and do rake test, this should show your tests, neatly organised and colored.

Can I buy you a beer?


Copyright (c) 2011 pjaspers. See LICENSE.txt for further details.