Class: GiantBomb::Character

Resource show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

@@fields =
  :aliases,                # List of aliases that the character is known by. A \n (newline) separates each alias.
  :api_detail_url,         # URL pointing to the character detail resource
  :birthday,               # Birthday of the character
  :companies,              # Companies that have used the character in a game
  :concepts,               # Concepts related to the character
  :date_added,             # Date the character was added to Giant Bomb
  :date_last_updated,      # Date the character was last updated on Giant Bomb
  :deck,                   # Brief summary of the character
  :description,            # Description of the character
  :enemies,                # Enemies of the character
  :first_appeared_in_game, # Game that the character first appeared in
  :franchises,             # Franchises the character has appeared in
  :friends,                # Friends of the character
  :games,                  # Games the character has appeared in
  :gender,                 # Gender of the character. Available options are: Male, Female, Other
  :id,                     # Unique ID of the character
  :image,                  # Main Image of the character
  :last_name,              # Last name of the character
  :locations,              # Locations related to the character
  :name,                   # Name of the character
  :objects,                # Objects related to the character
  :people,                 # People who have worked with the character
  :platforms,              # Platforms having a game the character has appeared in
  :real_name,              # Real name of the character
  :site_detail_url         # URL pointing to the character on Giant Bomb

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Resource

detail, endpoint_id, endpoints, has_resource, #initialize, list, search

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from GiantBomb::Resource