
0.2.1 (18/Mar/2024)

Improved the image copy method. It now automatically corrects both source and destination offsets / dimensions to prevent any out of bounds errors, allows to specify a bounding box to which the copying should be restricted to, and allows to "copy with transparency", which will copy every color except for the transparent one.

0.2.0 (05/Mar/2024)

A big update, with the main changes being divided in two categories: mathematical methods and drawing methods.

  • Added a Geometry module that abstracts a lot of mathematical - and more specifically geometrical - functionality, that is useful throughout the program, but particularly for drawing. A Point class is included, which represents both 2D points and vectors, depending on context. This module includes:

    • Bound checking, calculation of bounding boxes and convex hulls.
    • Changes of coordinates, cartesian and polar coordinate support, etc.
    • Point operations, such as translations, dilations / scalings, linear and convex combinations, scalar product, center of mass, etc.
    • Point transformations, such as rotations, projections and reflections.
    • Norms (L1, euclidean, supremum), normalization, distances.
    • Angles, parallelism, orthogonality, normal vectors...
  • Significantly expanded the drawing functionality, including:

    • Improved line drawing, and added line styles (dashed, dotted, etc).
    • Added circles and general (axis-aligned) ellipses.
    • Added grids, polygonal chains and spirals.
    • Arbitrary parametric curves and function graphs given a lambda function.
    • Implemented the flood fill / bucket tool.
    • Added a general Brush class to enable more flexible drawing.

Many sample GIFs, showcasing all this new functionality, were added in the Examples folder as well.

  • Additional new functionality includes:
    • Copy: Ability to copy a region from one image to another.
    • Compress: Ability to LZW-compress image data on the fly, instead of keeping everything raw in memory until final encode time. Particularly helpful for GIFs with thousands of frames on systems with low memory.

0.1.0 (14/Feb/2024)

Initial release. Includes:

  • Encoding working, with support for most of the specification (missing interlacing and Plain Text / Comment extensions).
  • Basic color table and image manipulation.
  • A few drawing primitives (lines and rectangles).