
A simple Ruby presenter library, for those who enjoy a strong separation of concerns.

What does that mean?

A presenter is just a decorator that is specifically concerned with the presentation layer. GiftWrap provides a simple way to "wrap" a domain entity (e.g. model) for the purpose of decorating it with said presentational logic.

That sort of "view logic" almost never belongs deep in the core code of your domain entities. Yet somehow throwing together classes to house it elsewhere can feel like a chore comprised mostly of boilerplate.

GiftWrap removes this feeling while also being lightweight enough that reading the entire source takes only a few minutes. The core module weighs in at about 70 lines of code and no depedenecies. Even the optional helpers for those who use ActiveRecord weigh in at only an additional 30 lines of code, give or take.

Even better, any model logic which is not relevant to presentation or view code is not accidentally accessible on a class implementing GiftWrap::Presenter (e.g. persistence code doesn't leak through to templates).

Other Options

Competition benefits the consumer, and in this case that's you! There is another great gem that does this named Draper, which used to it call itself a "decorator" library, but now focuses on being a tool for "view models". Don't let this indecision in terminology distract from the incredible amount of features and flexibility the project has developed over the last several years.

Another project, Rectify, has a presenter library included in it the same goal as GiftWrap. Rectify's presenters take a more Rails-specific approach, and joins this author in criticising Rails' use of the term "view" for what are just templates.

In both libraries' cases (barring abuse of certain Draper features), separating a domain entity's multi-faceted presentational needs from any internal or persistence logic is achieved just as as well as by GiftWrap. These libraries are equally useful contenders to consider if you like the extras they provide: a large featureset for Draper, additional abstractions in the case of Rectify.

Overview of Use

  1. gem install 'gift_wrap'
  2. include GiftWrap::Presenter in a PORO, a Plain Old Ruby Object.
  3. Call wrapped_as with some entity/model name.
  4. Write your own presentational methods in a safe, isolated place.

Optionally, you can delegate methods directly with unwrap_for if desired, or use wrap_association to keep your presenters referencing each other, instead of letting them meddle in associated core domain models.

What You Get

  • A place to isolate all presentational logic related to a particular domain concept or model.
  • An attributes method for capturing a user-defined set methods as a Hash.
  • Easy delegation to the underlying model with unwrap_for. Use sparingly and with great dicipline.
  • Short-hand to declare unwrapped methods as attributes, via attribute: true in the call to unwrap_for.
  • The ability to include any methods you define in the usual manner (i.e. def make_some_noise) as an attribute.
  • Optional JSON serialization via ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON, derived attributes.
  • A way to declare an unwrapped method as an "associations" which should be wrapped in their own presenter class.
  • Array-valued associations are built as an array of the association's presenter class.

You might even have one model with two distinct presenters that display the model's attributes in a different manner which are particular to their use in your system's presentation layer.

Simple Use

Consider a model class representing a map. A Map is of a certain type (physical, political, traffic, etc.), has a defined center point, associated units, a legend and possibly some notes. Some maps show roads, while others do not.

Here is such a class:

class Map
  attr_reader :type, :center, :units, :legend
  attr_accessor :notes

  def initialize(type, center, units, legend = :asshole_mapmaker_forgot_legend)
    @type   = type
    @center = center
    @units  = units
    @notes  = ""
    @legend = legend

  def shows_roads?


  def maps_with_roads
    ['road', 'traffic', 'political']

Now consider a minimal presenter which delegates the type and units methods, and adds a few presentation-specific methods:

class SimpleMapPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  unwrap_for :type
  unwrap_for :units, attribute: true

  attribute :metric

  def metric

  def contains_region?(region_name)
    false # Implementation not important


  def metric_map_units
    ['m', 'km']

The methods type and units are delegated via unwrap_for, with units being declated as an attribute.

The additional presentational methods are contains_region? and metric, with metric being declared as an attribute.

Thus a call to SimpleMapPresenter#attributes would return a Hash with the keys :units and :metric, and because they are not explicitly delegated or otherwise referenced, the methods center, legend and shows_roads? on a Map object are not accessible on the presenter object.

Explicit Reference of Wrapped Object

In case you would like to internally access the object which your presenter wraps by a domain-appropriate name, the method wrapped_as allows for this.

If in the above Map class we used this, we could refer to the map by name within instance methods of the presenter. For example, exposing a has_notes? method without allowing access to the notes method on the map itself:

class SimpleMapPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  wrapped_as :map

  # Previous implementation goes here

  def has_notes?
    map.notes && map.notes.length > 0

Or better yet, when providing a default message for missing values, you can keep clunky-looking conditional code such as

<% if map.notes.length > 0 %>
  <%= map.notes %>
<% else %>
  (No notes provided)
<% end  %>

out of your templates entirely! Behold:

class SimpleMapPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  wrapped_as :map

  # Previous implementation goes here

  def has_notes?
    map.notes && map.notes.length > 0

  def notes
    has_notes? ? map.notes : "(No notes provided)"

Then your view template simply becomes

<%= map_presenter.notes %>

Associated Objects with their own Presenters

Looking at our simple Map class, we've ignored its legend attribute entirely. This is likely expressed as an object with behavior of its own:

class Legend
  def initialize(colored_regions, colored_lines)
    @colored_regions  = colored_regions
    @colored_lines    = colored_lines

  def region_meaning(color)

  def line_meaning(color)

The Legend class can be given two hashes which define some of its colors. So for instance, a traffic map might have a legend which is passed colors for land and water regions, and then any colored lines represent traffic congestion:

traffic_map_legend =
  { beige:  "land",
    blue:   "water"
  { green:  "no congestion",
    yellow: "light congestion",
    red:    "heavy congestion",
    black:  "impassable"

And accordingly would have its own presenter when it is used in any presentation or view layer of a project:

class LegendPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  unwrap_for :line_meaning

  attribute :red_lines

  def red_lines

  def yellow_lines

  def green_lines

And an example of its use:

traffic_legend_presenter =
# => "heavy congestion"
# => "light congestion"
# => "no congestion"
# => NoMethodError: undefined method `black_lines'

A presenter which wraps a Map object and which wishes to expose its Legend object would do well to instead expose an instance of LegendPresenter. It is preferable to keep adjecent code working at the same level of abstraction where possible.

Slavishly re-implementing a method with def legend only to return an instance of LegendPresenter seems a bit boilerplate, so GiftWrap has a convenience for this:

class LegendaryMapPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  unwrap_for :type, :units

  wrap_association :legend, with: LegendPresenter

  def metric?


  def metric_map_units
    ['m', 'km']

Unlike the SimpleMapPresenter, this version has a legend method which performs this wrapping for us by calling wrap_association and passing the class LegendPresenter in the :with keyword.

Customizing Associated Presenters

If the name legend was for some reason not desirable, there is no need for the method name exposed on the presenter to be the same of that on the wrapped object. Specifying the association's method name is just another keyword argument in the call to wrap_association. If the above class instead had

wrap_association :legend, with: LegendPresenter, as: :roflcopter

Then the associated Legend, wrapped in a LegendPresenter, would be accessible via map_presenter.roflcopter instead of map_presenter.legend.

Association Presenters can also be specified on a per-instance basis, for flexible modification of presentational logic. So if we were malicious map makers and gave a traffic map legend for which every line color meant "no congestion", we could write such a class:

class MisleadingLegendPresenter
  include GiftWrap::Presenter

  unwrap_for :line_meaning

  def red_lines
    "no congestion"

  def yellow_lines
    "no congestion"

  def green_lines
    "no congestion"

And build our presenter for the traffic map as before, but override the presenter for the legend association. This is accomplished by an :associations keyword that simply maps the association name to the presenter which should be used. So given a traffic map stored in a variable named map_with_legend which references our previous traffic_map_legend as its legend:

map_presenter =, associations: {
  legend: MisleadingLegendPresenter
traffic_legend_presenter = map_presenter.legend

The instance-specific presenter will take effect and traffic_legend_presenter will act quite differently than before:

# => "no congestion"
# => "no congestion"
# => "no congestion"

JSON Serialization

(Implemented, Example Docs Coming Soon)

ActiveRecord Convenience Module

(Implemented, Example Docs Coming Soon)