
See aurb --help for a full list of commands.

Quick Overview

Required options:


Downloads a specified package and untars it


Searches the AUR for a specified name or description


Searches the AUR for updates to foreign local packages

Optional options:


Suppress colored output


Override the default save path (defined as DlPath)



Print version and exit


Quick and dirty:

# ruby setup.rb all

Or you can install it in ~/bin:

% ruby setup.rb config --bindir=$HOME/bin
% ruby setup.rb install

For more information about setup.rb, see ruby setup.rb --help.

If you prefer RubyGems:

% gem build aurb.gemspec
# gem install aurb-$VERSION.gem

(substitute $VERSION with aurb’s current version)

There is also a github gem available:

% gem sources -a (you only need to do this once)
# gem install gigamo-aurb


Aurb requires the ‘facets’, ‘json’ and ‘highline’ rubygems to be installed.


  • Automatically build (and install) the package after download?

  • Add dependency checking/downloading?