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Git-Helpers is a small library of commands to extend git to help improve your git workflow


Install it using:

$ gem install git-helpers


Thanks to the way git finds extension commands on the path, once the gem is installed all of the commands are available in the usual git <command> manner.

Available Commands


Running git update will pull down the latest changes for your current branch from the upstream remote (or origin if you don't have an upstream), and pushes the changes to your origin (or not at all if it was pulled from origin).


Running git browse will open the current repo in your web browser to the repository page at the current working branch. You can specify the remote if you wish to browse a different one in the format git browse [remote]. If you wish to view a specific branch/tag/commit then you can specify the tree after remote in the format git browse [remote] [tree]. Note: To use a commit as a tree you must use the full commit hash

PR (Pull Request)

Running git pr or one of its other forms will open a new pull request window in your default web browser. Note: only works on GitHub remotes currently


  • git pr - Opens the comparison between upstream and origin for the current branch
  • git pr target_remote - Opens the comparison between target_remote and origin for the current branch
  • git pr target_remote target_branch - Opens the comparison between target_remote at the target_branch and origin at the current branch
  • git pr target_remote/target_branch source_remote/source_branch - Opens the comparison between target_remote at the target_branch and source_remote at the source_branch


Running git upstream <USER> on a repository (that doesn't already have an upstream), will create a read-only upstream remote using the existing origin remote's URL


After checking out the repo, run bundle to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then push your changes to your fork, and create a pull request into KierranM/git-helpers. Once merged a release will be created and the gem pushed to upstream


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.