
Githabit is an application for monitoring your Github activities and rewarding you automatically onto your HabitRPG account for specific actions.

You will be rewarded for closing isues and making commits on the master branch of any of your repositories.


Install the gem using

$ gem install githabit

Next get a copy of the example config on my github and copy it to ~/.githabit.yml. Open it up in a text editor and set the approriate values. For now I suggest leaving autowatch to false while you get everything setup. More about the autowatch mode is in the configuration section later.

For the first time running you will need to initialize the cache, run

$ githabit --setup

After the initial run all you will need to run is

$ githabit


There are two main modes, interactive and autowatch mode. You can configure it in the config file by changing the autowatch paramter to true or false.

  1. Autowatch Mode: Runs continously checking your github for events every X minutes which is configured by setting the frequency in the config file
  2. Interative Mode: Runs once and exits, good if you just want to run it once at the end of the day or would rather use cron to schedule it.