Module: GitHub
- Defined in:
- lib/github/markdown.rb,
GitHub Markdown Rendering class
Provides a Markdown rendering method as a singleton, and two auxiliary functions
There are two kinds of Markdown in
Plain Markdown: used in Wikis, Pages and GitHub::Markup (READMEs). This is standards-compliant Markdown, with some of the PHP-Markdown extensions:
GitHub-flavored Markdown: used in user-input text, such as comments. Same extensions as Plain Markdown, and additionally the following extensions:
GitHub::Markdown.render(content) #=> Rendered Markdown as HTML plaintext with the default extensions
GitHub::Markdown.render_gfm(content) #=> Rendered GitHub-flavored Markdown as HTML plaintext
GitHub::Markdown._to_html(content, mode) { |code, lang| … } #=> Rendered Markdown with the given mode as HTML plaintext
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Markdown