
Gem for submitting useful metadata to github to inform pull requests

Submitting CI information

GithubInformer lets you wrap execution of your test or build scripts with github hooks to let you add CI status check information to your commits. These status checks appear alongside your pull request discussion in github and help with the conversation.


github_informer uses OAuth access tokens to manage access. You should set the GITHUB_AUTH environment variable to make the auth token available to the gem.

Using the CLI

The CLI is the easiest method of capturing your status checks. Simply install the gem and wrap your ci commands like this example:

gh_execute --cmd 'bundle exec rspec'

You can add a context to the execution so it's more identifiable in github:

gh_execute --context 'Rspec tests' --cmd 'bundle exec rspec'

There are numerous optional arguments for more control:

gh_execute --cmd 'bundle exec rspec'
          [--context <CONTEXT>]
          [--path <PATH_TO_CHECKOUT>]
          [--url <URL_LINK_TO_CI_JOB>]

If you're running in jenkins, url will automatically get picked up by the environment.

Using the API

You can have much more control over the messages that get reported into github if you write a ruby script to wrap your execution. For example, the following script gives comprehensive failure messages:

# Create new informer
g = => 'HiveCI', :url => ENV['HIVE_JOB_URL'] )

# Add a pending status check to github
g.report_start( :description => 'Executing unit tests in Hive environment')

# Wrap execution of the script
g.execute( 'bundle exec rake unittests' )

# Report a different message depending on the exit value of the script
g.report_end( 0      => [:pass, 'Unit tests were fine: good to merge'],
              1      => [:pending, 'Tests are re-running. Hold off merge.'],
              2..200 => [:fail, 'Unit test failure. Do not merge'] )


GithubInformer is available to everyone under the terms of the MIT open source licence. Take a look at the LICENSE file in the code.

Copyright (c) 2015 BBC