Giticious - Lightweight Git Server

Giticious is a Ruby CLI tool that allows you to host multiple Git repositories with User Management/Access Control almost effortlessly.

Repositories are served through SSH using public key authentication. All you need is a Linux system serving SSH on port 22 and Ruby >= 2.0 as well as a separate system user to host your Git repositories.


While Giticious should run on almost any GNU/Linux distribution, a installation script currently only exists for Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet.

Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)

Log in as a user with privileges to run commands with sudo and run:

curl -s | bash -s

Then follow the instruction on the screen.

CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Log in as a privileged user (sudo is not installed by default) and run:

curl -s | bash -s

Then follow the instruction on the screen.

Other GNU/Linux distros

Just run

gem install giticious

logged in as your git system user and then execute

giticious init

Make sure that SSH is running on port 22 and allows PubkeyAuthentication.


Usage is as easy as this:

$ ~ (git)-[master] % sudo gem install giticious
Fetching: i18n-0.7.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed i18n-0.7.0
Parsing documentation for giticious-0.9.1
Installing ri documentation for giticious-0.9.1
10 gems installed

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious init
-- create_table(:repositories)
   -> 0.0044s
-- create_table(:users)
   -> 0.0016s
-- create_table(:permissions)
   -> 0.0012s

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious user create testuser
User testuser has been created!
| # | Username |
| 1 | testuser |

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious pubkey add testuser "ssh-rsa mypubkey"
Public key "ssh-rsa mypubkey" for user testuser has been added!
| Username | Public key (last 80 chars) |
| testuser | ssh-rsa mypubkey           |

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious repo create mytestrepo
The repository has been created
| Name       | Path                                           | SSH URL                                      |
| mytestrepo | /Users/dprandzioch/repositories/mytestrepo.git | dprandzioch@<your-server-url>:mytestrepo.git |

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious repo permit mytestrepo testuser rw
Permission granted!
| Repository | User     | Read | Write |
| mytestrepo | testuser | true | true  |

$ ~ (git)-[master] % giticious repo list
| Name       | Path                                           | SSH URL                                      |
| mytestrepo | /Users/dprandzioch/repositories/mytestrepo.git | dprandzioch@<your-server-url>:mytestrepo.git |

Now just go ahead and clone your repo:

git clone dprandzioch@<your-server-url>:mytestrepo.git


Giticious is released under the terms of the MIT Expat license, so feel free to use it for your projects :-)