
A ruby client to connect GoToWebinar API V1. Will handle the complete OAuth lifecycle as well utilizing Redis and the OAuth2 gems.


This gem is still under active development and may become unstable version to version with no promises of backward compatibility, the objective is to reach some semblence of reliability by v0.5.x -- in the interim, if you find a version that works for you, strictly specify that version in your gem file.

During this period of development, documentation and testing will be minimal and or non-existant.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'go_to_webinar'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install go_to_webinar




GoToWebinar.setup do |g2w|
  g2w.organizer_key = ENV['G2W_ORGANIZER_KEY']
  g2w.access_token = ENV['G2W_ACCESS_TOKEN']

GoToWebinar::Auth.setup do |oauth2|
  oauth2.redis_url = ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL']
  oauth2.consumer_key = ENV['G2W_CONSUMER_KEY']
  oauth2.secret_key = ENV['G2W_SECRET_KEY']
  oauth2.basic_auth_username = ENV['G2W_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME']
  oauth2.basic_auth_password = ENV['G2W_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD']

Authentication Strategy

This gem will use your username and password to handle all OAuth authentication with GoToWebinar using a basic auth strategy. This does require use of the GoToWebinar log in credentials. It is advised you fully read and understand the different OAuth Flows and use the best one for your situation:


The repository maintainer only intends to add the functionality necessary for the maintainers need, this may not include all functionality or support all API of GoToWebinar. If you would like to contribute, pull requests are welcome.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.