What is this?
gocd-slack-server was purpose built for Fittr® to provide information from our gocd server to our slack channel. This is a standalone server that relays gocd information directly to slack. It is not a gocd plugin and relies on gocd's API for communication. Currently will monitor all pipelines for activity.
What it looks like
Failing will post a random fail gif
What's gocd?
Go | Continuous Deployment is a free and open source deployment server.
sudo gem install gocd-slack-server
#Run using a service hook with the name 'bot_name' for the gocd server installed on localhost at 8513
#You *must* use http:// at the beginning for the gocd server host otherwise slack will *not* generate links
gocdss http://localhost:8153" https://hooks.slack.com/services/..." "bot_name"
#Or, optionally, you may add your username to the end
gocdss http://localhost:8153" https://hooks.slack.com/services/..." "bot_name" "username:pass"
gocdss <gocd_hostname> <slack_hook_url> <bot_name> [<user>:<pass>]
- curl
- Ruby 2.1 or Higher
- If you found a bug, submit a pull request.
- If you have a feature request, submit a pull request.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
When should I use gocd-slack-server?
When you want to announce to slack users what gocd is up to
What's Fittr?
Fittr is a SaaS company that focuses on providing personalized workouts and health information to individuals and corporations through phenomenal interfaces and algorithmic data-collection and processing.
gocd-slack-server is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.