
Libraries with a CLI tool for dealing with things such as MAAS, LXD, Libvirt and Chef. By using this, you will get to use them all together in automated and efficient way.


  • Provides an API and a CLI tool for dealing with Libvirt(KVM) and LXD.
  • Aware of MAAS and works with maas-client to manage IP and FQDN allocation.
  • Aware of Chef knife and its sub commands such as Vault to automate routine tasks.
  • Being used by kitchen-gogetkitchen as a driver for Chef Test Kitchen.


  • Network resource awareness is only provided by MAAS.
  • For now, only LXD and Libvirt(KVM) are available as provider.
  • Only IPv4 is available for IP assignment.
  • It is tested only on Ubuntu 16.04 with OVS as virtual switch.


dependent packages

sudo apt install -y build-essential lxd-client libvirt-dev libvirt-bin
# logout and in

# to remove default network(virbr0)
virsh net-destroy default
virsh net-undefine default

# chefdk environment


$ gem install gogetit
$ gem install gogetit --no-ri --no-rdoc


gogetit list
gogetit list -out all
gogetit list -o custom

gogetit create lxd01
gogetit create lxd01 --provider lxd

# For advanced network configuration
gogetit create lxd01 -p lxd -i

# When specifying multiple IPs, the first one will be chosen as gateway.
# And the IP which belongs to the gateway interface will be the IP of the FQDN
# of the container which is set by MAAS.
# The IPs should belong to networks defined and recognized by MAAS.
gogetit create lxd01 -p lxd -i

# When specifying multiple VLANs, the first one will be chosen as gateway.
# gogetit create lxd01 -p lxd -v 0 10 12
# gogetit create lxd01 -p lxd -v 10 11

gogetit create kvm01 -p libvirt
gogetit create kvm01 -p libvirt -i

# When specifying alias for LXD provider
gogetit create lxd01 -a centos7
gogetit create lxd02 -p lxd -a centos7

# When specifying distro for Libvirt provider
gogetit create kvm01 -p libvirt -d centos

# When specifying a spec for Libvirt provider
gogetit create kvm01 -p libvirt -s ceph

# When deploying on an existing machine(only for libvirt provider)
gogetit deploy kvm01
gogetit deploy kvm01 -d centos

# to enable 'Nested LXD'
gogetit create lxd01 --lxd-in-lxd

# to create a LXD container without MAAS awareness
gogetit create lxd01 --no-maas -f lxd_without_maas.yml
gogetit create lxd01 --no-maas -f lxd_without_maas_vlans.yml

# to install MAAS on a lxc container using 'no-maas' option
gogetit create lxd01 --no-maas -f lxd_without_maas_vlans.yml --maas-on-lxc
# --maas-on-lxc can be used alone

gogetit destroy lxd01

# This feature is broken and might be deprecated in the future.
# gogetit rebuild kvm01

# to create a container bootstrapping as server node
gogetit create chef01 --chef
gogetit destroy chef01 --chef

# to create a container bootstrapping as zero(local) node
gogetit create chef01 --zero
gogetit destroy chef01 --zero

# to destroy a container deleting corresponding chef node and client
gogetit destroy chef01 --chef

# to release a machine(or instance created by libvirt) in MAAS
gogetit release node01
require 'gogetit'

To document

  • How to make Gogetit recognize vault data bag items

Development and Contributing

Clone and then execute followings:

$ cd gogetit
$ gem install bundle
$ bundle

Questions, pull requests, advices and suggestions are always welcome!




The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Gogetit project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.