Google Hangout Webhook

This gem allows you to use google webhook to send messages.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'google-hangout-webhook'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install google-hangout-webhook


You will have to create a webhook first. To learn how to create a webhook please visit here Incoming webhooks.
Once you have created a webhook take the name of the webhook and use it as channel name.

If you are using Rails then run the rake task bundle exec rake google_hangout:setup with will create all the necessary files below.

Create a yml configuration file (if you have not used the rake task above) that will have all the necessary data which you should put in your .gitignore file. Lets assume you create a file called google-hangout.yml in config folder. Now the file should look similar to this below:

    url: ''

    url: ''

    url: ''

The channels are just a label for your convenience. They can be anything and does not have to match the webhook name at all. All channel names must be lower case (if possible) and should not have any spaces or special characters in them. Think of it as you are declaring a variable. You can use any webhook at any time using the channels.


For Rails create a file in the initializers folder and put the following.

GoogleHangout ='config/google-hangout.yml')


First create an instance of the class and pass the location where you have your hangout Configuration (as mentioned above). Then just broadcast your message using a channel name.

# Skip first line if you are using Rails
GoogleHangout ='config/google-hangout.yml')

GoogleHangout.broadcast(:sync, 'Something went wrong with sync ID....')
GoogleHangout.broadcast(:import, 'Failed to import file...')
GoogleHangout.broadcast(:export, 'Export timed out for report ID...')

The method broadcast takes two parameters. First is the channel and second is the text message.

GoogleHangout.broadcast(<channel>, <message>)

For more information regarding how you can style the text please visit: Simple Text Messages


If you want to setup a pre-message that will prepend to all message string then after creating instance of the class just set the pre_message as shown below.

GoogleHangout.pre_message = ['*', Rails.env.capitalize, "*\n"].join


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.