= Installation
sudo gem install googlereader
= Usage
require 'google/reader'
Google::Reader::Base.establish_connection('username', 'password')
# => all feeds and labels unread counts
pp Google::Reader::Count.all
# => all unread counts for labels
pp Google::Reader::Count.labels
# => all unread counts for feeds
pp Google::Reader::Count.feeds
# => all items for a label
pp Google::Reader::Label.all
puts 'Links'
# 5 latest unread items
unread = Google::Reader::Label.new('links').entries(:unread, :n => 5)
unread.each { |p| puts p.title }
puts 'Using Continuation'
# next 5 latest items after the unread above
more_unread = Google::Reader::Label.new('links').entries(:unread, :n => 5, :c => unread.continuation)
more_unread.each { |p| puts p.title }
= Notes
I'm using the following links below as documentation (and also a bit of reverse engineering with Firebug) until google releases an official and documented api:
* http://code.google.com/p/pyrfeed/wiki/GoogleReaderAPI
* http://blog.gpowered.net/2007/08/google-reader-api-functions.html
sudo gem install googlereader
= Usage
require 'google/reader'
Google::Reader::Base.establish_connection('username', 'password')
# => all feeds and labels unread counts
pp Google::Reader::Count.all
# => all unread counts for labels
pp Google::Reader::Count.labels
# => all unread counts for feeds
pp Google::Reader::Count.feeds
# => all items for a label
pp Google::Reader::Label.all
puts 'Links'
# 5 latest unread items
unread = Google::Reader::Label.new('links').entries(:unread, :n => 5)
unread.each { |p| puts p.title }
puts 'Using Continuation'
# next 5 latest items after the unread above
more_unread = Google::Reader::Label.new('links').entries(:unread, :n => 5, :c => unread.continuation)
more_unread.each { |p| puts p.title }
= Notes
I'm using the following links below as documentation (and also a bit of reverse engineering with Firebug) until google releases an official and documented api:
* http://code.google.com/p/pyrfeed/wiki/GoogleReaderAPI
* http://blog.gpowered.net/2007/08/google-reader-api-functions.html