
This gem provides a standalone tool which emulates the real govuk notify service. It is intended for test and development environments only.

IMPORTANT: Whilst this tool can send real emails via SMTP, this is intended for use during development and test only - ideally using something like 'mailhog' instead of a real SMTP server.

If you have set it up with a real SMTP server, please ensure that the service is NOT exposed to the internet.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gov_fake_notify'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gov_fake_notify


Command Line Usage

If the gem is being used as part of a full stack test suite (i.e. the emails are being sent in a different process to the tests), it can be used as a command line tool like this

gov_fake_notify start -c ./config.json

which will start the server using the config file provided (see configuration below)

Test Suite Configuration

There are 2 ways of validating emails using this gem - either allow the gem to send real emails to a fake smtp server such as mailhog OR dont send emails at all and use the 'notifications-ruby-client' to read from the API provided by this gem to see what emails would have been sent.

Please see the configuration section below to see how to switch modes etc..

In Process Usage

if the gem is being used as part of a test suite where the code under test is in the same process as the tests, it can be used alongside 'webmock' as follows :-

In a spec/support/*.rb file OR in rails_helper.rb etc..

This is a partial example from the employment tribunals test suite

require 'gov_fake_notify'
RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.before(:each) do
GovFakeNotify.config do |c|
  c.delivery_method = 'test'
  c.include_templates = [
      id: 'a55e0b84-8d65-4bf4-93a7-e974e0d8d48d', # Note - does not need to be exact id that is used in govuk notify UNLESS 
      name: 'et1-confirmation-email-v1-en',       #  your system has hard coded id's or referenced by environment variables etc..
      subject: 'Employment tribunal: claim submitted',
      message: <<~EOS
        Claim number: ((claim.reference))

        ((primary_claimant.first_name)) ((primary_claimant.last_name))

        Thank you for submitting your claim to an employment tribunal.



        We'll contact you once we have sent your claim to the respondent and explain what happens next.
        At present, this is taking us an average of 25 days.
        Once we have sent them your claim, the respondent has 28 days to reply.



        Claim submitted:       ((submitted_date))
        Tribunal office:       ((
        Contact: ((, ((office.telephone))

        Your feedback helps us improve this service:

        Contact us:

  c.include_api_keys = [
      service_name: 'Employment Tribunals',
      service_email: '[email protected]',
      key: 'fake-key-7fc24bc8-1938-1827-bed3-fb237f9cd5e7-c34b3015-02a1-4e01-b922-1ea21f331d4d' # Your application under test's key - 
                                                                                                #   the keys must match.    


Configuration can be done using the command line, a config file, environment variables or directly (in process only). Note that the configuration can include an API key - do not be tempted to use the same value as the production environment as the chances are it will end up in github which is publically accessible.

The following configuration entries are available

port smtp_address smtp_port smtp_user_name smtp_password smtp_authentication smtp_enable_starttls_auto base_url database_file attachments_path delivery_method include_templates (config file or direct config only) include_api_keys (config file or direct config only)

To configure via the command line - use the 'dash' version of the variable - for example

--smtp-port instead of smtp_port

To configure in the yaml file use the actual variable name

An example yaml config file (from employment tribunals config)

  port: 8081
  delivery_method: test
  - id: a55e0b84-8d65-4bf4-93a7-e974e0d8d48d
    name: et1-confirmation-email-v1-en
    subject: "Employment tribunal: claim submitted"
    message: |
      Claim number: ((claim.reference))

      ((primary_claimant.first_name)) ((primary_claimant.last_name))

      Thank you for submitting your claim to an employment tribunal.



      We'll contact you once we have sent your claim to the respondent and explain what happens next.
      At present, this is taking us an average of 25 days.
      Once we have sent them your claim, the respondent has 28 days to reply.



      Claim submitted:       ((submitted_date))
      Tribunal office:       ((
      Contact: ((, ((office.telephone))


      Please use the link below to download a copy of your claim.


      Additional Information File



      Group Claim File



      Your feedback helps us improve this service:

      Help us keep track. Complete our diversity monitoring questionnaire.

      Contact us:
  - id: 97a117f1-727d-4631-bbc6-b2bc98d30a0f
    name: et1-confirmation-email-v1-cy
    subject: "Tribiwnlys Cyflogaeth: hawliad wedi’i gyflwyno"
    message: |
      Eich rhif hawliad: ((claim.reference))

      ((primary_claimant.first_name)) ((primary_claimant.last_name))
      Diolch am gyflwyno eich hawliad i dribiwnlys cyflogaeth.


      Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi unwaith y byddwn wedi anfon eich hawliad at yr atebydd i egluro beth fydd yn digwydd nesaf. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’n cymryd oddeutu 25 diwrnod.
      Unwaith y byddwn wedi anfon eich hawliad atynt, mae gan yr atebydd 28 diwrnod i ymateb.



      Hawliad wedi'i gyflwyno:      Cyflwynwyd ar ((submitted_date))
      Swyddfa tribiwnlys:           Cymru, Tribiwnlys Cyflogaeth
      Cyswllt: ((, 0300 303 0654


      Defnyddiwch y ddolen isod i lawrlwytho copi o’ch hawliad.


      Ffeil Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol



      Hawliad Grŵp



      Mae eich adborth yn ein helpu i wella'r gwasanaeth hwn:

      Helpwch ni i gadw cofnodion cywir . Llenwch ein holiadur monitro amrywiaeth.

      Cysylltu â ni:
  - service_name: Employment Tribunals
    service_email: [email protected]
    key: fake-key-7fc24bc8-1938-1827-bed3-fb237f9cd5e7-c34b3015-02a1-4e01-b922-1ea21f331d4d


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/gov_fake_notify.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.