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GovKit-CA is a Ruby gem that provides easy access to Canadian civic information around the web.


gem install govkit-ca

Represent API

GovKit-CA provides a Represent API client. First, create a client:

require 'govkit-ca'

client =

Send a request to the /postcodes/ endpoint:


Send a request to the /representative-sets/ endpoint:

client.representative_sets(limit: 0)

Send a request to the /representatives/ endpoint:

client.representatives(representative_set: 'toronto-city-council')

Send a request to the /boundary-sets/ endpoint:

client.boundary_sets(limit: 0)

Send a request to the /boundaries/ endpoint:

client.boundaries(boundary_set: 'toronto-wards')

Send a request to the /elections/ endpoint:

client.elections(limit: 0)

Send a request to the /candidates/ endpoint:

client.candidates(election: 'house-of-commons')

Read the full documentation on

Postal code to electoral district lookup

GovKit-CA provides an API for free postal code to electoral district lookups, using the sources:

These sources can be unstable or incorrect.

require 'govkit-ca'

# Register the sources to use.

GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_electoral_districts_by_postal_code('A1A1A1') # [10007]
GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_electoral_districts_by_postal_code('K0A1K0') # [35076]
GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_electoral_districts_by_postal_code('H0H0H0') # raises GovKit::CA::ResourceNotFound

GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_province_by_postal_code('A1A1A1') # "Newfoundland and Labrador"
GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_province_by_postal_code('K0A1K0') # "Ontario"
GovKit::CA::PostalCode.find_province_by_postal_code('H0H0H0') # "Quebec"

Postal codes may contain lowercase letters. Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters are removed before processing.

GovKit-CA will raise GovKit::CA::ResourceNotFound if the electoral districts within a postal code cannot be determined, and GovKit::CA::InvalidRequest if a postal code is not properly formatted.


GovKit-CA interoperates with the Participatory Politics Foundation's GovKit. GovKit-CA is not affiliated with the Participatory Politics Foundation or GovKit.

Copyright (c) 2011 Open North Inc., released under the MIT license