
  • Present users coutries/languages in their language
  • Convert a country/language-name to its code


  • A list of 2-letter-code/name pairs for all countries/languages in all languages
  • A tool to convert a coutry/language name into 2-letter-code
  • Write countries/language into a cache-file, and use this file for production applications languages/countries list


Translations through pkg-isocodes
185 Language codes (iso 639 - 2 letter)
in 66 Languages
246 Country codes (iso 3166 - 2 letter)
in 85 Languages


sudo gem install grosser-i18n_data
require 'i18n_data'
I18nData.languages        # {"DE"=>"German",...}
I18nData.languages('DE')  # {"DE"=>"Deutsch",...}
I18nData.languages('FR')  # {"DE"=>"Allemand",...}

I18nData.countries        # {"DE"=>"Germany",...}
I18nData.countries('DE')  # {"DE"=>"Deutschland",...}

#Not yet implemented...
I18nData.language_code('German')       # DE
I18nData.language_code('Deutsch')      # DE
I18nData.language_code('Allemand')     # DE

I18nData.country_code('Germany')       # DE
I18nData.country_code('Deutschland')   # DE

Data Providers

  • FileDataProvider: FAST (default) (loading data from cache-files)
  • LiveDataProvider: SLOW (fetching up-to-date data from svn repos)


  • include other language/country code formats (3-letter codes...) ?


Michael Grosser
[email protected]
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...