The growlyflash gem turns boring ActionDispatch::Flash messages in your Rails 3 app to asynchronous Growl-like notifications with Bootstrap Alert markup.
With XHR requests it places flash hash to the X-Messages
HTTP header or inline in javascript.
Based on rewritten in coffeescript Bootstrap Growl plugin and inspired by Bootstrap Flash Messages
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'growlyflash'
And then execute:
$ bundle
For non-XHR requests append the following before other javascripts inside <head>
<%= growlyflash_static_notices %>
And require glowlyflash in app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require growlyflash/growlyflash
If you want to change default options, you can override them somewhere in your coffee/js:
$.bootstrapGrowl.defaults = $.extend on, $.bootstrapGrowl.defaults,
# Box width (number or css-like string, etc. "auto")
width: 250
# Auto-dismiss timeout. Set it to 0 if you want to disable auto-dismiss
delay: 4000
# Spacing between boxes in stack
spacing: 10
# Appends boxes to a specific container
target: 'body'
# Show close button
dismiss: true
# Default class suffix for alert boxes.
type: null
# Use the following mapping (Flash key => Bootstrap Alert)
warning: null
error : 'error'
notice : 'info'
success: 'success'
# Horizontal aligning (left, right or center)
align: 'right'
# Margin from the closest side
alignAmount: 20
# Offset from window bounds
from: 'top'
amount: 20
Insert the following if you want to close alert boxes by clicking on themselves. Also it doesn't steel focus from toggled elements like dropdowns and works fine with touch devices, so I advise to use it:
jQuery ->
# ...
$(document).on '', '[data-dismiss="alert"]', (e) ->
$(document).on 'touchstart click', ".bootstrap-growl", (e) ->
$('[data-dismiss="alert"]', @).click()
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request