guard-ragel compiles your .rl files automatically when changed.
Guard-Ragel requires the guard rubygem as well as Ragel. If you're using homebrew you can install ragel easily with:
brew install ragel
To install guard-ragel you can:
gem install guard-ragel
Or add it to your bundler Gemfile:
gem 'guard-ragel'
To get a sample entry in your Guardfile:
guard init ragel
guard 'ragel' do
Defaults to writing to the same directory in the ruby output format.
An input file of ragel.rl will output a file of ragel.rb in the same directory.
The output format can be inferred from the input filename if it has multiple extensions, e.g:
will generate
:output_format => :ruby # The default output format to generate, if
# one cannot be determined from the filename
# :c The host language is C, C++, Obj-C or Obj-C++
# :d The host language is D
# :go The host language is Go
# :java The host language is Java
# :ruby The host language is Ruby
# :csharp The host language is C#
# :ocaml The host language is OCaml
:options => '' # Any additional command line arguments to send to ragel
:output => nil # Optional output directory to place output files in, if
# nil will put output files in the same directory as the source file
:notification => false # Whether to display notifications after finished,
# default: true
:extension => nil # Override output file extension