Bindings for Handlebars.js using execjs. Tested using mini_racer, therubyracer, and native nodejs.
Simple Templates
= HandlebarsExec::Context.new
template = .compile("My Name is {{name}}")
template.template(name: "Slim Shady") #=> "My Name is Slim Shady"
Partials can be added by either adding a string with the partial or by adding a file with the partial registration in it. Referencing a file allows you to use the same files for handlebars on the backend and frontend.
# passed as a string
.register_partial("my_partial", "{{foo}} {{bar}}")
# passed as a file location
Helpers can be added by either adding a string with the helper or by adding a file with the helper registration in it. Referencing a file allows you to use the same files for handlebars on the backend and frontend.
# passed as a string
.register_helper("formatPhoneNumber", <<-HELP)
function(phoneNumber) {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.toString();
return "(" + phoneNumber.substr(0,3) + ") " + phoneNumber.substr(3,3) + "-" + phoneNumber.substr(6,4);
# passed as a file location
Testing in different JS runtimes are handled using Appraisal. Once installed, the following will setup the different js runtime test setups
appraisal install
Tests can then be run like so:
appraisal rake