






Hardhat is essentially a collection of helper classes and modules for performing actions common to a build. Things like installing dependencies, downloading code from version control, moving files into place, patching files, running daemons, and even making images.

Installing Dependencies

Projects have a collection of dependencies, some are for a single purpose, and some a required for many purposes. By grouping these dependencies up by what they are required for it make managing them easier.

Dependency lists should look like this:

breakfast_deps = [
  Dependency.new "milk",
  Dependency.new "cereal",
  Dependency.new "bowl",
  Dependency.new "spoon",

Then to install the dependencies:

meal_installer = Installer.new "mealer"
meal_installer.install breakfast_deps

By default this translates to:

mealer install milk
mealer install cereal
mealer install bowl
mealer install spoon


Class for defining dependencies for the project. The first argument is the name of the dependency, and is used to tell the package manager how to install. The second argument is an optional hash, where you can define :installer to limit what installers can deal with this dependency, :sudo to define if this needs to be run as sudo to install, and :flags to pass command line flags to the package manager.


# must install with gem
@rails = Dependency.new("rails", :installer => "gem")
@highline = Dependency.new("highline", :sudo => false, :installer => "gem")
@bundler = Dependency.new("bundler", :sudo => true, :installer => "gem")

# doesn't care what you install with
@foo = Dependency.new('foo', :flags => "-noop")
@bar = Dependency.new('bar', :sudo => false, :flags => "--verbose -q")
@baz = Dependency.new('baz', :sudo => true, :flags => "-qweF=1")

# can install with array of installer names
@git = Dependency.new("git", :installer => ["apt-get", "yum"])
@ack = Dependency.new("ack", :sudo => false, :installer => ["apt-get", "yum"])
@curl = Dependency.new("curl", :sudo => true, :installer => ["apt-get", "yum"])


Class for defining system programs to install dependencies. The first argument is the name of the program to run, apt-get for example. The second argument is an optional hash much like for Dependency. You can specify :sudo to make all dependencies handled by this installer done so as root. :flags to pass command line flags to the program for all dependencies.

Installers have 3 main methods, install, uninstall and remove. By default Installer.new('gem').install ... will call gem install ....

Custom commands

Installer.new('apt-get', :uninstall => :remove).uninstall ...
apt-get remove ...

Installer.new('foo', :update => :bar).update ...
foo bar ...

Getting Code from Version Control

When building on a new system often times the code will not be there yet, Hardhat::Repository defines the how to pull code down from VC. It is a module currently with 2 classes the include it, Hardhat::Repository::Git and Hardhat::Repository::Svn.

Classes that include Hardhat::Repository must define a get and a branch method.


repo = Repository::Git.new "https://gist.github.com/4772101.git", "/tmp/hh"
repo.get # downloads the repo to /tmp/hh


repo = Repository::Svn.new "http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/trunk", "/tmp/hh"
repo.get # downloads the repo to /tmp/hh

Other Useful Code

Miscellaneous helper methods and classes.


How to print to the user from Hardhat:

inform "something to tell the user"
warn "a thing to be weary of"
error "oh god something broke"


Helper module for interacting with the operating system.

::has? -> boolean

Hardhat::System.has?('git') => true
Hardhat::System.has?(['git', 'svn']) => false