
has-imgix-attachment allows you to easier work with the imgix API through model defined attributes for easier retrieval.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'has-imgix-attachment'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Model Configuration

To add imgix to your model, you simply need to call the has-imgix-attachment method on your model.

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_imgix_attachment :photo,
    :subdomain => "imgix-subdomain",
    :default   => "default.png",
    :prefix    => "photos",
    :styles =>  {
      :thumbnail  => {
        :h    => 90,
        :w    => 110,
        :fit  => "crop"
      :large  => {
        :h    => 480,
        :w    => 640,
        :fit  => "crop"

The has-imgix-attachment method will take accept a name, and a list of options. The first value is the name and of the field that we'll create (which can also be referenced with imgix_attachment). Below is a list of valid options that can follow the name.


  • subdomain - Subdomain defined within your imgix account
  • default - Name of the image to be used as a default image (must appear in the bucket with all other images)
  • prefix - If your bucket has folders, supply the folder name here
  • filename_field - Override the default column name for the image filename. Default: filename
  • file_size_field - Override the default column name for the image file size. Default: file_size
  • content_type_field - Override the default column name for the image content type. Default: content_type
  • styles - Hash that defines all the variations of the image you'd like to be able to refer to

NOTE: Examples of the model configurations can be found in the spec/support/models.rb file.


The gem comes with a view helper imgix_tag which is just an extension of the image_tag.

<%= imgix_tag(@post.photo, "large") %>

will generate the same thing as, just a less verbose shortcut

<%= imgix_tag(@post.imgix_attachment, "large") %>

imgix_tag will accept all the same additional options that image_tag supports


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
    • Please make sure to include the appropriate specs
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


See LICENSE.txt.