
HashAccess allows access to hash elements by calling methods. When using HashAccess you can call a method on a hash instance to get the corresponding value of a key.

You can write:

hash.some_key = 'something'

instead of:

hash['some_key'] = 'something'


Hash access is available as the gem hash-access.

gem install hash-access

Usage Example

require 'hash_access'
include HashAccess

h = {}
h.first_key = 'First value' # the same as h['first_key'] = 'First value'
h.another_key = 'Another value' # the same as h['another_key'] = 'Another value'


Clone hash-access source from GitGub:

git clone git://github.com/slavach/hash-access.git

Install bundler if it has not been installed yet:

gem install bundler

Install additional gems for testing and documentation:

bundle install

The above command installs gems: rspec, rdoc, yard, BlueCloth.

To invoke tests - run rake spec or simply rake.


HashAccess has been written by Svetoslav Chernobay [email protected]. Feel free to contact him if you have any questions or comments.


HashAccess is a supplement module for UseConfig which is available at GutHub use-config as well as the gem use-config.