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Hashematics is a configuration-based object graphing tool which can turn a flat, single dimensional dataset into a structure of deeply nested objects.


To install through Rubygems:

gem install install hashematics

You can also add this to your Gemfile:

bundle add hashematics


Getting Started

Take the following simple, non-nested data set:

id first last
1 Bruce Banner
2 Tony Stark

We could read this in using the following configuration:

rows = [
    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner'
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark'

graph  = ::Hashematics.graph(rows: rows)
objects = graph.rows

The variable objects will now contain the same data as rows. This, so far, is not very useful but it sets up base case.

Introduction to Simple Shaping

Let's say that we only want id and first variables:

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: %i[id first]
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: :id,
      type: :person

rows = [
    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner'
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark'

graph  = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
objects = graph.data(:avengers)

Notice how we are grouping the data and calling the #data API. Now the objects variable should now look like:

    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce'
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony'

Cross-Mapping Shape Attribute Names

Say we wanted to change the attribute names:

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: {
        id_number: :id,
        first_name: :first
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: :id,
      type: :person

rows = [
    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner'
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark'

graph  = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
objects = graph.data(:avengers)

The objects variable should now look like:

    id_number: 1,
    first_name: 'Bruce'
    id_number: 2,
    first_name: 'Tony'

Nested Shaping

Let's build on our initial data set to:

  • include child data (one-to-many) relationship
  • start with different attributes (cross map attribute names)
ID # First Name Last Name Costume ID # Costume Name Costume Color
1 Bruce Banner 3 Basic Hulk Green
1 Bruce Banner 4 Mad Hulk Red
2 Tony Stark 5 Mark I Gray
2 Tony Stark 6 Mark IV Red
2 Tony Stark 7 Mark VI Nano-Blue

We could now read this in as:

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: {
        id: 'ID #',
        first: 'First Name',
        last: 'Last Name'
    costume: {
      properties: {
        id: 'Costume ID #',
        name: 'Costume Name',
        color: 'Costume Color'
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: 'ID #',
      type: :person,
      groups: {
        costumes: {
          by: 'Costume ID #',
          type: :costume

rows = [
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 3,
    'Costume Name' => 'Basic Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Green'
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 4,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mad Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Red'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 5,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark I',
    'Costume Color' => 'Gray'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 6,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark IV',
    'Costume Color' => 'Red'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 7,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark VI',
    'Costume Color' => 'Nano-Blue'

graph  = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
objects = graph.data(:avengers)

The objects variable should now look like:

    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner',
    costumes: [
      { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' },
      { id: 4, name: 'Mad Hulk', color: 'Red' }
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark',
    costumes: [
      { id: 5, name: 'Mark I', color: 'Gray' },
      { id: 6, name: 'Mark IV', color: 'Red' },
      { id: 7, name: 'Mark VI', color: 'Nano-Blue' }

Shaping / grouping is recursive and should support richer breadth as well as depth graphs.

Multiple Top-Level Graphs

You are not limited to just one top-level graph. For example, we could expand on the previous example to include another grouping of costumes:

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: {
        id: 'ID #',
        first: 'First Name',
        last: 'Last Name'
    costume: {
      properties: {
        id: 'Costume ID #',
        name: 'Costume Name',
        color: 'Costume Color'
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: 'ID #',
      type: :person,
      groups: {
        costumes: {
          by: 'Costume ID #',
          type: :costume
    costumes: {
      by: 'Costume ID #',
      type: :costume

rows = [
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 3,
    'Costume Name' => 'Basic Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Green'
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 4,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mad Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Red'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 5,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark I',
    'Costume Color' => 'Gray'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 6,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark IV',
    'Costume Color' => 'Red'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => 7,
    'Costume Name' => 'Mark VI',
    'Costume Color' => 'Nano-Blue'

graph  = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
objects = graph.data(:costumes)

The objects variable should now look like:

  { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' },
  { id: 4, name: 'Mad Hulk', color: 'Red' },
  { id: 5, name: 'Mark I', color: 'Gray' },
  { id: 6, name: 'Mark IV', color: 'Red' },
  { id: 7, name: 'Mark VI', color: 'Nano-Blue' }

Handling Blanks

Records with blank ID's are ignored by default. This is due to the flat nature of the incoming data. Take the following example:

ID # First Name Last Name Costume ID # Costume Name Costume Color
1 Bruce Banner 3 Basic Hulk Green
2 Tony Stark null null null
null null null 4 Undercover Purple

Note: null is shown for blank values so the markdown renders properly.

This is interpreted as:

  • Bruce Banner is an avenger and has 2 costumes
  • Tony Stark is an avenger but has no costumes
  • An undercover purple costume exists, but belongs to no avenger

We could read this in while ignoring blank IDs (default):

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: {
        id: 'ID #',
        first: 'First Name',
        last: 'Last Name'
    costume: {
      properties: {
        id: 'Costume ID #',
        name: 'Costume Name',
        color: 'Costume Color'
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: 'ID #',
      type: :person,
      groups: {
        costumes: {
          by: 'Costume ID #',
          type: :costume
    costumes: {
      by: 'Costume ID #',
      type: :costume

rows = [
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 3,
    'Costume Name' => 'Basic Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Green'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => '',
    'Costume Name' => '',
    'Costume Color' => ''
    'Costume ID #' => 4,
    'Costume Name' => 'Undercover',
    'Costume Color' => 'Purple'

graph   = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
avengers = graph.data(:avengers)
costumes = graph.data(:costumes)

The avengers variable should now look like:

    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner',
    costumes: [
      { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' }
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark',
    costumes: []

The costumes variable should now look like:

  { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' },
  { id: 4, name: 'Undercover', color: 'Purple' }

If you wish to include blank objects, then pass in include_blank: true option into the group configuration:

config = {
  types: {
    person: {
      properties: {
        id: 'ID #',
        first: 'First Name',
        last: 'Last Name'
    costume: {
      properties: {
        id: 'Costume ID #',
        name: 'Costume Name',
        color: 'Costume Color'
  groups: {
    avengers: {
      by: 'ID #',
      include_blank: true,
      type: :person,
      groups: {
        costumes: {
          by: 'Costume ID #',
          type: :costume
    costumes: {
      by: 'Costume ID #',
      include_blank: true,
      type: :costume

rows = [
    'ID #' => 1,
    'First Name' => 'Bruce',
    'Last Name' => 'Banner',
    'Costume ID #' => 3,
    'Costume Name' => 'Basic Hulk',
    'Costume Color' => 'Green'
    'ID #' => 2,
    'First Name' => 'Tony',
    'Last Name' => 'Stark',
    'Costume ID #' => '',
    'Costume Name' => '',
    'Costume Color' => ''
    'Costume ID #' => 4,
    'Costume Name' => 'Undercover',
    'Costume Color' => 'Purple'

graph   = ::Hashematics.graph(config: config, rows: rows)
avengers = graph.data(:avengers)
costumes = graph.data(:costumes)

The avengers variable should now look like:

    id: 1,
    first: 'Bruce',
    last: 'Banner',
    costumes: [
      { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' }
    id: 2,
    first: 'Tony',
    last: 'Stark',
    costumes: []
    id: nil,
    first: nil,
    last: nil,
    costumes: [
      { id: 4, name: 'Undercover', color: 'Purple' }

The costumes variable should now look like:

  { id: 3, name: 'Basic Hulk', color: 'Green' },
  { id: '', name: '', color: '' },
  { id: 4, name: 'Undercover', color: 'Purple' }

Advanced Options

Some other options available are:

  • Custom Object Types: object_class attribute for a type defaults to Hash but can be set as a class constant or a proc/lambda. If it is a class constant, then a new instance will be initialized from the incoming Hash. If it is a function then it will be called with the incoming hash passed in and expecting an object as a return.
  • Compoound Unique Identifiers: by can either be a string, symbol, or array.


Development Environment Configuration

Basic steps to take to get this repository compiling:

  1. Install Ruby (check hashematics.gemspec for versions supported)
  2. Install bundler (gem install bundler)
  3. Clone the repository (git clone [email protected]:bluemarblepayroll/hashematics.git)
  4. Navigate to the root folder (cd hashematics)
  5. Install dependencies (bundle)

Running Tests

To execute the test suite run:

bundle exec rspec spec --format documentation

Alternatively, you can have Guard watch for changes:

bundle exec guard

Also, do not forget to run Rubocop:

bundle exec rubocop


Note: ensure you have proper authorization before trying to publish new versions.

After code changes have successfully gone through the Pull Request review process then the following steps should be followed for publishing new versions:

  1. Merge Pull Request into master
  2. Update lib/hashematics/version.rb using semantic versioning
  3. Install dependencies: bundle
  4. Update CHANGELOG.md with release notes
  5. Commit & push master to remote and ensure CI builds master successfully
  6. Run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


This project is MIT Licensed.