Hensin Belt on Grape API

Hensin Belt is a Grape middleware to connect your API resources with your API authenticator.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'henshin-belt'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install henshin-belt


Install generator

On your first install, run this generator :

rails g henshin_belt:install

Usage with Grape

You will need to use the middleware in your main API :

# use middleware
use ::HensinBelt::Oauth2

You could also use the helpers :

# use helpers
helpers ::HensinBelt::Helpers

Protecting your endpoint

In your endpoint you need to define which protected endpoint by adding this DSL :

  1. oauth2
  2. oauth2(:email)

Example :

desc "Your protected endpoint"
get :protected do
    # your code goes here
desc "Your protected endpoint with defined scope"
get :protected do
    # your code goes here

Nice feature

From your protected endpoint you could get :

  1. resource_token => Your access token
  2. resource_credential => Full credentials
  3. resource_owner => Current Object
  4. me => Current Object