Upload Certificate from DNSimple to Heroku

This gem provides heroku-dnsimple-cert executable script to upload SSL certificate from DNSimple to Heroku application.

What it does

  • Fetch certificate from DNSimple via API
  • Add or update certificate on Heroku via API

How to prepare

Issue certificate on DNSimple for the first time and enable auto-renew: https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/ordering-lets-encrypt-certificate/

Change your DNS for domain on your app www.yourdomainname.com.herokudns.com: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl#change-your-dns-for-all-domains-on-your-app

Generate Heroku auth token:

heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-oauth
heroku authorizations:create -d "letsencrypt-heroku"

Generate DNSimple auth token: https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/api-access-token/


When certificate will be issued on DNSimple you need to run script to setup it to the Heroku application:

heroku-dnsimple-cert update \
  --dnsimple-account-id=DNSIMPLE_ACCOUNT_ID \
  --dnsimple-common-name=DNSIMPLE_COMMON_NAME \
  --dnsimple-domain=DNSIMPLE_DOMAIN \
  --dnsimple-token=DNSIMPLE_TOKEN \
  --heroku-app=HEROKU_APP \

You can configure these environment variables in .env or whatever you use, so that heroku-dnsimple-cert will use them by default:


At this point, you can verify that your application is serving your certificate by running:

openssl s_client -connect <dns target>:443 -servername <your domain>
# e.g. openssl s_client -connect www.example.com.herokudns.com:443 -servername www.example.com


To enable certificate renew for Rails applications:

  • Add gem "heroku_dnsimple_cert" into Gemfile
  • Setup required env variables on Heroku
  • Add Daily Job to Heroku Scheduler: if [ "$(date +%d)" = 01 ]; then bin/rake heroku_dnsimple_cert:update; fi


  • bin/build checks your specs and runs quality tools
  • bin/quality based on RuboCop
  • .rubocop.yml describes active checks


Ruby Base is maintained by Timur Vafin. It was written by Flatstack with the help of our contributors.