Hextech Logo

Simply a Ruby wrapper for Riot Api endpoints.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hextech'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


You'll need the following environment variable:


Each Riot API endpoint integrated into the gem has been namespaced by game, endpoint grouping, and (if present) specific endpoint. The responses to these endpoints will be wrapped in a Dry::Struct with keys that have been converted to snake case.

# Example:

summoner = Hextech::League::Summoner.by_name(name: 'Example Summoner', region: 'euw1')
# => #<Hextech::League::Response::Summoner account_id="1234" id="4321" name="Example Summoner" profile_icon_id=1234 puuid="2468" revision_date=2021-11-01 08:00:00 +0100 summoner_level=100>

# => "Example Summoner"

API Logging

Whenever the API Key is logged to the console, it will be replaced with [REPLACED].

Logging is suppressed by default. In order to increase the logging level to DEBUG, use the following environment variable:



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/lilystoney/hextech.