
An event stream implementation that aggregates facts about your application.


Redis Backend

Hivent.configure do |config|
  config.backend                  = :redis
  config.endpoint                 = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
  config.partition_count          = 4                  
  config.life_cycle_event_handler =
  config.client_id                = "my_app_name"               



Receiving works on an instance of a Signal. For each event received, the given block will be executed once. You may either specify a version to receive or decide to receive all events for that signal regardless of their version.

signal ="model_name:created")

# Handle all events for this signal
signal.receive do |event|
  # Do something with the event
  # event['payload'] contains the payload
  # event['meta'] contains information about the event

# Handle version 2 events for this signal
signal.receive(version: 2) do |event|
  # Do something with the event
  # event['payload'] contains the payload
  # event['meta'] contains information about the event

Wildcard signals

You can receive all events as well by using the * wildcard. Partial wildcards (such as my_event:*) are not supported at this time.

signal ="*")

# Handle all events
signal.receive do |event|
  # Do something with the event
  # event['payload'] contains the payload
  # event['meta'] contains information about the event

Worker process

To receive events, a consumer process needs to be started using the provided CLI.

Start the consumer:

bundle exec hivent start -r app/events.rb

For more details on the available options see:

bundle exec hivent --help
bundle exec hivent start --help

The library does not offer any options to daemonize or parallelize your consumers. You are encouraged to use other tools such as Foreman and Upstart to achieve this.

With these two tools, you can set up a Procfile for the consumer:

consumer: bundle exec hivent start -r app/events.rb

And then use Foreman's export feature to convert it to an upstart job:

foreman export upstart -a myapp -m consumer=4 -u myuser /etc/init

service myapp start

This will start 4 consumer processes running under the myuser user. The processes will be daemonized and monitored by upstart. If your consumers need environment variables, Foreman can pick them up from a .env file placed next to your Procfile:

Callbacks for Life Cycle Events

To add error reporting or logging of consumed events you can configure an handler that is invoked by the consumer when certain lifecycle events occur. To implement this handler create a class that inherits from Hivent::LifeCycleEventHandler and overwrite one or more of it's methods.

class MyHandler < Hivent::LifeCycleEventHandler

  def application_registered(client_id, events, partition_count)
    # log info to logging service

  def event_processing_succeeded(event_name, event_version, payload)
    # log event processing

  def event_processing_failed(exception, payload, raw_payload, dead_letter_queue_name)
    # report to some exception notification service


The handler needs to be configured in the gem's configuration block. The default handler ignores all life cycle events.


You can use any name to identify your signals.

All signals are versioned. The version has to be specified as the second parameter of emit and will be part of the events meta data."model_name:created").emit({ key: "value" }, version: 1)
# => Signal name is added as meta attribute "name"

Meta Data

Each emitted event will automatically be enriched with meta data containing the correlation ID (cid), the producer of the event (the client_id provided in the configuration block) and the created_at timestamp.

The event name and version will be added to the events meta data.

Correlation ID

To pass in a correlation ID (e.g. from a previously consumed message) use:

cid = event['meta']['cid']"model_name:created").emit({ key: "value" }, version: 1, cid: cid)

Keyed Messages

Sometimes it's required to pass a key alongside the message that is used to assign the message to a specific partition (which ensures order of events within this partition).

signal ="model_name:created")
signal.emit({ key: "value" }, key: "my_custom_key")

Run the Tests

The test suite requires a running Redis server (default: redis://localhost:6379/15). To point to a different Redis pass in an environment variable when starting the tests.

REDIS_URL=redis://path_to_redis:port/database bundle exec rspec

Test Helpers

To help you write awesome tests, an RSpec helper is provided. To use it, require 'hivent/rspec' before running your test suite:

# in spec_helper.rb

require 'hivent/rspec'



Test whether a signal has been emitted. Optionally, you can define a version.

expect { a_method }.to emit('a:signal')
expect { another_method }.not_to emit('another:signal')
expect { another_method }.to emit('a:signal', version: 2)

You may also assert whether a signal was emitted with a given payload. This matcher asserts that the signal's payload contains the given hash.

expect { subject }.to emit(:event_name).with({ foo: 'bar' })