
Tonic oriented utilities for hive (Hive + Tonic => hivonic)

This tool requires tmp hive tables to include timestamp as part of the table name by convention.


Build Status

Shell Environment Variables

    • Options passed to the hive client
    • Defaults to '-S' # Silent
    • This is the regexp used to match tables and capture time from name
    • Defaults to '\A(tmp|view)[a-z||0-9]+(\d14)\Z'
    • This is the time format used to parse the timestamp from the table name
    • Defaults to '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
    • Ability to specify match group index for regexp time capture
    • Defaults to '2'
    • This is the Time-To-Live for Hive temporary tables
    • Defaults to '86400' (24 hours)

Hadpuils' Commands

  • list db
    • Lists all tmp hive tables that match regexp and are expired
  • rm db table
    • Removes specified table from specified db
  • cleanup db
    • Cleans up (removes) all tmp hive tables that match regexp and are expired

Example Usages

hivonic list default
hivonic cleanup default
hivonic rm default sometimestamp_sometable

Credit Ethan Rowe for the original command handler technique in hadupils.