
Hollow is a drop-in component for building RESTful services that bridges from any routing solution (like Sinatra) to your back-end. You flesh out your service with Resource classes, you pick a Router to forward some traffic to Hollow, and it works. GET /HelloWorld becomes HelloWorld.get().

With Hollow, any class which includes Hollow::Resource::Stateless or Stateful is a REST resource capable of servicing certain kinds of requests. Let's say we want to respond to POST requests with a greeting like, "Hello, Tomboyo!":

class HelloWorld
  include Hollow::Resource::Stateless
  def post(request)
    if (request['name'] && !request['name'].empty?)
      "Hello, #{request['name']}!"
      "Hello, whoever you are!"

We save that to ./resources/HelloWorld.rb. Now we want to expose it to the world, so we make a ./server.rb script. Using Hollow, we first create an Application object:

my_app = Hollow::Application.new(
  autorequire: {
    root: "#{File.dirname __FILE__}",
    directories: ['resources']
  resource_methods: %i(post)

The application instance is configured to look for resources in ./resources, which is where HelloWorld is defined. We've also decided that we only want to handle POST requests for now. Finally, we simply pipe HTTP traffic to the application’s handle_request method. Using Sinatra:

get '/:resource' do |resource|
    resource: resource,
    method:   request.request_method,
    data:     request.params

Start the server and curl -d "name=Tomboyo" to be given an enthusiastic greeting (that is, send a post request with your name). If we want to create any more functionality, we just create new classes where Hollow can find them. That's it!

What about other classes and methods?

Only classes, and only classes which include Hollow::Resource::Stateless or Hollow::Resource::Stateful can service requests. Only resource methods matching the symbols configured via the resource_methods: %i(post) parameter during application instantiation can be invoked, as well; other methods are hidden. That means if you only make a HelloWorld resource and your application only has post configured, your application only invokes HelloWorld's post. Nothing else, ever.

Is this only for REST?

Hollow was designed for REST, but it's not limited in that respect. Application can be configured with nonstandard request methods (making resource.myRequestMethodHere a legal request handler), so really Application is a mapping from binary identifiers (HelloWorld, post) to methods (HelloWorld post(resource)).